Thursday, May 6, 2010

Drinks Party May 6, 2010 Musings

Well, I gotta tell ya my anger today is a thing of beauty. Mr. Obama has outdone himself in the pissing me off department. When I left you last he had just called together his Muslim outreach party while the people of Arizona struggled to make sense of their world. This man just keeps sailing along on our dime while sticking his finger in our eye.

You all know what I'm talking about, right? Oil slick day one this, and Wall Street stinks that, and by the way, it's time to give blanket amnesty to all those who poured across the Mexican border before Arizona came to its senses. Oh, and did you know those crazy Arizonians will harass you if you try to buy ice cream for your kids?

I have egg on my face from two years ago. Barack Obama's name came up as a viable candidate for president of these great United States. I said, and I quote..."No way this country will elect a man with a name like that after what Muslims did to us on 911." See what I mean? That was practically a facial omelet.

Who are you, Mr. Obama? Where did you come from? What do you want? The Media formerly known as Trusted was supposed to gather all the facts and tell the American people who you were. Not so this time. I suspect not ever again.

If I'd wanted to live in Bizarroworld I would have moved there lock, stock and barrel. I didn't, and yet here I am magically transported to this Land of Oz where nothing that made sense makes sense. Mr. Obama, you lied to us. Our "watchdog media" lied to us. Other countries sang your praises and lied to us...we lied to us. And all we did to deserve this boot on the throat was to survive and thrive after the devastating attacks on 911.

I noticed that the "days left in Obama's presidency" ticker has finally fallen below a thousand. You know, the second wife of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, lasted a thousand days before Hal managed to rid himself of her. I say, if King Hal can wait it out, so can I.

Hope is a sad thing when it rots on the vine, isn't it?

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