Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'd have to say Mr. Obama did not handle this Arizona immigration law thing well. His statements put him squarely on the side of the illegal immigrants and NOT on the side of the beleaguered American citizens in the state of Arizona. Color me so surprised...oops, is that a racist statement? Are we allowed to say color anymore? Must check...whew, I think I'm okay.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. First he fails said Arizonians by not protecting the border, despite, as I understand it, several requests from the Governor herself, then he castigates and scolds them when they try to protect themselves. So wrong in so many ways. At least, it seems so to those with a modicum of brain power.

And then what does he do next? Hosts a summit to encourage Muslim entrepreneurship. Say, what? What the prez has managed to do in one short year is to make the American people feel unimportant...unimportant to him and to the rest of the world.

So, where are we, America? Rendered obsolete in our own land, allowed to stay and work so we can support people from other countries who have decided that, yeah, that's okay with them? But before they will allow us to pay their bills, we have to change our language to theirs, and maybe our religion, too? Where are we?

I don't know if the prez was born in this country or not...it's too late to care. The important thing now is to elect enough Republicans in November 2010 to keep him in check until we can dump him in 2012. So that's where we are now, guys and gals. Find out who is running for office in your state. Accept no fakes, ringers or RINOs. I just know America is out there somewhere, waiting patiently for us to come find her.

Consider this an Amber Alert for America. Our girl is stuck in a trunk somewhere restrained with duct tape. Don't despair, America, we're coming.

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