Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Expectations

Someone In The National Media Is Finally Interested In Man's Country In Andersonville
"This has to be cloak-and-dagger for the time being, because though we’ve not been sworn to secrecy on the project, we’re not at liberty to talk in depth about what we did yesterday, which was in response to one of the occasional requests we get from members of the media for background info on stories they’re doing."

Maybe one of the MSM is doing a story, and maybe he's just been sent there to find out who to silence next. I'll never trust an arm of the MSM again. I want to, but I can't. I grew up believing that the truth, no matter what it was, would eventually be dug out by our Watchdog Media.

I don't have that innocence anymore.

And as with many of the commentors on this story, I don't care if Mr. Obama is gay. Perhaps he would have won the presidency anyway if he had admitted it sooner, or perhaps that is for an election in the future. My problem is with what he and his minions could possibly have done to keep it from coming to light.

That's the story.

Until it is written, I refuse to let that little light of hope that the MSM will return to the American people get in the way of my cynicism and downright hatred of the "journalists" who betrayed us during the election of 2008.

Hillbuzz Boys, take care. Until we know what happened to Donald Young you are very probably on a list somewhere to be intimidated or eliminated. Is there a secret bunker in Boystown for you to hide in? If not, get out those shovels and start digging.

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