Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New York City, Home Of The New Ground Zero Mosque

Atlas Shrugs
The Fix Was In: 911 Mega Mosque Community Board Farce.
Board Votes Yes For Mega Mosque

This is going to be short and sweet because I am so angry I cannot feel my feet, and I cannot adequately express my true emotions in the appropriate manner at this time. However...

New Yorkers, what is the matter with you people? We Southerners have taken a lot of guff from you Yankees over the years as you felt yourselves to be the superior people and all that. But, after last night, I don't want to hear another word out of you. You have officially lost the right to call us slow, and stupid, and uneducated after your placid acceptance of the sneaky planning commission vote to allow the mosque within site of the hole where the twin towers used to stand.

People of New York City, you have the reputation for being rude, and aggressive. And you are… the world expects it of you. I also expected to see people pour out of their homes and businesses after the July 27 meeting to help stop the building of this monstrosity near Ground Zero. But when I checked the news this morning there was nothing. Nothing. Did I mention there was nothing?

So guts are reserved for the South and the state of Arizona, huh? Well, I say fine. Let them build their d**n mosque. They can have New York. The terrorists certainly picked the right city to attack. How did they know that a mere nine years after the mass murders they would be able to build a mosque near the killing field so they could smile down on the devastation?

And don't tell me that’s not what they want to do. Why else would such a supposedly “peaceful religion” choose to build their house of worship (well, that phrase certainly sticks in the throat, doesn't it?) to overshadow where the ghosts of the 9/11 dead are still squirming?

New Yorkers, I will no longer lose sleep over you. I have spent nine years suffering with you, and worrying about you, and praying for you and being proud when you bounced back, but if you don't take to the streets by the millions on September 11, 2010 to protest this shadily financed mosque being built near where the terrorists tried to take us all down...well, then, I'll just have to concede that all hope for you is lost.

Maybe Mayor Bloomberg is right. Maybe you New Yorkers shouldn't be allowed to choose where you will smoke, or what you will eat, or how much salt you will consume. Maybe he just sees you for the sheep that you are.

There's not much to be proud of in my state right now. We were poor before the crash and we are poorer now. Okay, so maybe we're poor and slow and stupid in your eyes, but I can state with complete confidence that this acceptance of a quiet takeover by Islam would never have happened here. Never.

Hey, New York, suddenly I'm feeling like the superior person.

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