Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New York City, Home Of The New Ground Zero Mosque

Atlas Shrugs
The Fix Was In: 911 Mega Mosque Community Board Farce.
Board Votes Yes For Mega Mosque

This is going to be short and sweet because I am so angry I cannot feel my feet, and I cannot adequately express my true emotions in the appropriate manner at this time. However...

New Yorkers, what is the matter with you people? We Southerners have taken a lot of guff from you Yankees over the years as you felt yourselves to be the superior people and all that. But, after last night, I don't want to hear another word out of you. You have officially lost the right to call us slow, and stupid, and uneducated after your placid acceptance of the sneaky planning commission vote to allow the mosque within site of the hole where the twin towers used to stand.

People of New York City, you have the reputation for being rude, and aggressive. And you are… the world expects it of you. I also expected to see people pour out of their homes and businesses after the July 27 meeting to help stop the building of this monstrosity near Ground Zero. But when I checked the news this morning there was nothing. Nothing. Did I mention there was nothing?

So guts are reserved for the South and the state of Arizona, huh? Well, I say fine. Let them build their d**n mosque. They can have New York. The terrorists certainly picked the right city to attack. How did they know that a mere nine years after the mass murders they would be able to build a mosque near the killing field so they could smile down on the devastation?

And don't tell me that’s not what they want to do. Why else would such a supposedly “peaceful religion” choose to build their house of worship (well, that phrase certainly sticks in the throat, doesn't it?) to overshadow where the ghosts of the 9/11 dead are still squirming?

New Yorkers, I will no longer lose sleep over you. I have spent nine years suffering with you, and worrying about you, and praying for you and being proud when you bounced back, but if you don't take to the streets by the millions on September 11, 2010 to protest this shadily financed mosque being built near where the terrorists tried to take us all down...well, then, I'll just have to concede that all hope for you is lost.

Maybe Mayor Bloomberg is right. Maybe you New Yorkers shouldn't be allowed to choose where you will smoke, or what you will eat, or how much salt you will consume. Maybe he just sees you for the sheep that you are.

There's not much to be proud of in my state right now. We were poor before the crash and we are poorer now. Okay, so maybe we're poor and slow and stupid in your eyes, but I can state with complete confidence that this acceptance of a quiet takeover by Islam would never have happened here. Never.

Hey, New York, suddenly I'm feeling like the superior person.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Expectations

Someone In The National Media Is Finally Interested In Man's Country In Andersonville
"This has to be cloak-and-dagger for the time being, because though we’ve not been sworn to secrecy on the project, we’re not at liberty to talk in depth about what we did yesterday, which was in response to one of the occasional requests we get from members of the media for background info on stories they’re doing."

Maybe one of the MSM is doing a story, and maybe he's just been sent there to find out who to silence next. I'll never trust an arm of the MSM again. I want to, but I can't. I grew up believing that the truth, no matter what it was, would eventually be dug out by our Watchdog Media.

I don't have that innocence anymore.

And as with many of the commentors on this story, I don't care if Mr. Obama is gay. Perhaps he would have won the presidency anyway if he had admitted it sooner, or perhaps that is for an election in the future. My problem is with what he and his minions could possibly have done to keep it from coming to light.

That's the story.

Until it is written, I refuse to let that little light of hope that the MSM will return to the American people get in the way of my cynicism and downright hatred of the "journalists" who betrayed us during the election of 2008.

Hillbuzz Boys, take care. Until we know what happened to Donald Young you are very probably on a list somewhere to be intimidated or eliminated. Is there a secret bunker in Boystown for you to hide in? If not, get out those shovels and start digging.

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Jersey and the Fat Man

Jammie Wearing Fool
Chris Christie: Fastest Veto Pen in the West

"In what may be the fastest veto in recorded history, it took New Jersey Governor Chris Christie a reported two minutes to veto a new tax grab by an incoherent Democrat State Senate that clearly hasn't realized their rubber-stamp puppet Jonny the Beard is no longer in office."

I can't help it, I love this Fat Man. May God protect him and duplicate him 57 times so that each state in the USA can have their very own.
Inland News
Mojave Cross Replaced, Then Removed
"After determining that it had had none of the scratches and nicks the previous one had, he determined that it was a replica. 'We're still under a court injunction,' Slater said. 'We have to take it down.'... But they haven't yet received any information leading to a suspect, Slater said. She declined to say whether authorities would seek a subpoena for the e-mail."

So have they subpoenaed the email or not? Being a moderately intelligent person, I suspect that email from the thief would be a vital part of the investigation to ascertain his identity. If they do not hunt this idiot down with the full force of the law, any subsequent ruling from the Supreme Court becomes a joke. Supreme Court said what? So what!

Finally some alpha males throw in

Atlas Shrugs
Pamela Geller: Tennessee Tea Testosterone
Tennessee Tea Party Response To CAIR Threat
"Pamela Geller will be speaking at our event.. We are very happy and pleased that she will be attending! The TNTPC believes (CAIR) to be a hate group. We will not follow any request from them."

Hey, Mr. CAIR Muslim Type Person...Tea Parties are not made up of Harvard elites and Washington insiders. These people are conservative and independent Bubbas who are frustrated and angry.
English Translation: Your Worst Nightmare.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Glenn Beck Under Fire

Glenn Beck And Goldline Under Attack From Congress

"Tomorrow May 18th Congressman Weiner (NY-D) will be either having a press conference or sending out a press release that will involve Goldline International and Glenn Beck."

Well, I wondered how they would come at him. I guess now we know.

I remember a scene from one of my favorite movies, The Godfather. Don Corleone's son Michael was in danger from powerful forces outside the "family". Tom Hagen, the Corleone family's consigliere asked this son, "Do you know how they'll come at you"?

Michael, of course, did know how they would come at him. And he was well prepared, as those who have seen the movie well know.

As far as I can tell, Mr. Beck has been right about a lot of stuff I wish he'd been wrong about. I only hope that Beck knew something like this was coming. And I hope he has all his ducks in a row, so to speak, and that he goes right back at them.

Will the government succeed in shutting Glenn Beck up? Only if the American people let it happen.
American Thinker
Lloyd Marcus: Dear Black Church

"What I am about to say will probably anger you. As a black Christian, I have struggled with whether or not to address this sensitive topic. I only ask that you give my statements prayerful consideration."

What guts this Marcus guy has. He belongs in the same category as Chris Christie and Jan Brewer. These people know they will be hated for speaking their minds, and they do it anyway. They know they will be villified and, possibly, put themselves in the path of nuts and kooks and government men who wish to shut them up. And they do it for you, and for me and for the rest of the millions of American citizens with no voice in what is happening to this country.

Compare and contrast Marcus, Christie and Brewer to and with the dolts at Comedy Central. No Comedy Central Courage for them, they have the kind of courage that will save this country. Will the American people listen? I don't know.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New shipment of whiskey due in tonight

If my world hasn't righted itself by then, I'll be back with a few choice words...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wealth Distribution

What do they mean by "redistribute the wealth"? I don't have any wealth. Do you have any wealth? I wear clothes from the thrift store and drive a 1986 Cadillac De Ville with various endearing quirks just so we can pay the house payment each month, and, if we're lucky, get a $ 5.00 pizza on Friday night.

Why don't they distribute their own wealth, at least they have some. Nobody without wealth talks about redistributing wealth because it's like some foreign entity and how can you seek to redistribute something you've never even been near enough to smell?

Why don't these guys have "Redistribute the Wealth" parties instead of those charity and political fundraisers they are constantly attending? When they arrive, their wealth would be checked at the door and there could be a committee to examine it, stir it around a little bit and then take it out back and throw it at the first drug addled homeless person they can find.

That makes about as much sense as what this OThing lording power over us until 2012 is trying to do. November 2010, baby. Then on to 2012.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Drinks Party May 6, 2010 Musings

Well, I gotta tell ya my anger today is a thing of beauty. Mr. Obama has outdone himself in the pissing me off department. When I left you last he had just called together his Muslim outreach party while the people of Arizona struggled to make sense of their world. This man just keeps sailing along on our dime while sticking his finger in our eye.

You all know what I'm talking about, right? Oil slick day one this, and Wall Street stinks that, and by the way, it's time to give blanket amnesty to all those who poured across the Mexican border before Arizona came to its senses. Oh, and did you know those crazy Arizonians will harass you if you try to buy ice cream for your kids?

I have egg on my face from two years ago. Barack Obama's name came up as a viable candidate for president of these great United States. I said, and I quote..."No way this country will elect a man with a name like that after what Muslims did to us on 911." See what I mean? That was practically a facial omelet.

Who are you, Mr. Obama? Where did you come from? What do you want? The Media formerly known as Trusted was supposed to gather all the facts and tell the American people who you were. Not so this time. I suspect not ever again.

If I'd wanted to live in Bizarroworld I would have moved there lock, stock and barrel. I didn't, and yet here I am magically transported to this Land of Oz where nothing that made sense makes sense. Mr. Obama, you lied to us. Our "watchdog media" lied to us. Other countries sang your praises and lied to us...we lied to us. And all we did to deserve this boot on the throat was to survive and thrive after the devastating attacks on 911.

I noticed that the "days left in Obama's presidency" ticker has finally fallen below a thousand. You know, the second wife of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, lasted a thousand days before Hal managed to rid himself of her. I say, if King Hal can wait it out, so can I.

Hope is a sad thing when it rots on the vine, isn't it?