Monday, August 9, 2010

Hey, New Yorkers, Mayor Bloomberg Just Isn't That Into You

Okay, I'll say it since nobody else will. Mayor Bloomberg of New York City does not seem to like the citizens of his city, at least those of the non-Muslim persuasion. Now, I don't have any proof, just anecdotal information that mounts up in that direction.

I am not a New Yorker, but I read from time to time about the ups and downs and goings on in your fair city. No smoking, salt, maybe this, no tolerance for the feelings of New Yorkers who lived through the 911 terrorist attacks and don't want to have to look at a huge structure glorifying the "religion" of those terrorists . Okay, now we've got a problem.

I first became aware of the peculiar nature of your Mayor (besides the weird salt thing) after the failed New York City Times Square bombing. Mr. Mayor hypothesized that the would be bomber was probably some nutty right-winger who didn't want to wear the yoke of Obamacare. When that delusion was shattered, and it seemed likely that a muslim had parked that car there, Mr. Bloomberg went ballistic and warned the people of New know, the average American joes who elected him in the first place (for the third time, but that's another story) not to take any action against muslims in revenge. In other words, Little Big Man stated that there would be no backlash against the muslims by New Yorkers.

The Mayor seemed (at least to me) singularly unconcerned about how the general citizenry might feel. His main objective seemed to be to protect the lives and tender feelings of the muslims in the city. Did any of you New Yorkites find that the least bit peculiar? Well, I did on your behalf.

And now Mr. Mayor is at it again. The Times Square Bomber was the prototype for the Monster Mosque that is to be built near Ground Zero. You remember, that place where 3,000 people died some years ago due to the muslim terrorist attacks? Bloomberg's famed and self-proclaimed tolerance for the building of the "Islamic Center" against the express wishes of the majority of polled citizens of New York City shows where his love lies. And it's not with you guys, you silly average New Yorkers, but with the very people who adhere to the very doctrine that caused that huge bloody hole in New York City. You know, the one where the World Trade Center towers used to stand? Yep, that hole.

Bloomberg reminds me of the mother of a serial killer; the one who keeps telling the police what a sweet boy her son is while the stink of the dismembered bodies buried in the basement surrounds her. That stink is on you, Mr. Bloomberg, and your sweet words of tolerance and ridiculous crocodile tears cannot make what you're doing smell any better.

I guess what I'm saying is that this mosque situation doesn't pass the smell test. In fact, it reeks. I think, perhaps, that there is a story there. I think that some enterprising journalist might find the story of a lifetime if he chose to look into the facts of this Ground Zero mosque matter. Where are Woodward and Bernstein when you need them? Oh, yeah, busy kissing our president's nether regions.

Oh, well, just forget it then. I mean, we're told everyday that Islam is a peaceful religion, so it must be. And we all know that the tolerance of the muslim faithful is legendary, beheaded bodies and women being stoned to death not withstanding. And I hear that Sharia Law isn't all that bad if you just go ahead and submit...ain't that right, Mr. Bloomberg?

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