Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No hablo Ingles!

Is anybody else sick and tired of presidents, congressmen, judges choosing sides with anybody else but American citizens? The Feds won't protect Arizona, and now a judge refuses to allow the state to protect itself?Yes, I'm tired and discouraged, but I'll be back tomorrow in full force. We American citizens, the unloved stepchildren of this country, will all be back tomorrow. Angrier tomorrow than today.I've laughed at people who suggest a new Revolution is coming. I am not laughing today. We are all going to have to make our choice soon. If November 2, 2010 doesn't go well for our country, we may be out of other options. Sorry to say it, but there it is.

In light of Judge Bolton's ruling in the Arizona immigration lawsuit, I'm trying to tamp down my anger by finding creative ways to psyche the Feds out. The first that comes to mind is to ditch all my identification, all those precious documents awarded me due to my birth here in America some years ago.

I will then travel to Arizona in my beloved '86 Caddy, managing somehow to do it on other taxpayer's dime (as is the preferred method of the Obama Admin, ya know) and ride around until I break the law. When confronted, I shall shrug and say "no hablo Ingles". If they dare question my veracity due to my blond hair and blue eyes, I shall hit them with "f*** you, I demand a lawyer", and charge head-on into charges of racism. By the time I scream for the ACLU, I might own the city of Phoenix. What a load of fun.

Americans, we just have to face the fact that the people running this country at this time do not like us very much, and seek to replace us. The question is, are we going to allow that...yes, allow. You see, we are the real bosses in this country, we're just so beaten down right now we have forgotten that fact. Between you and me and the lamp post, I think it's just about time we remember.

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