Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Daisy Khan And Her Magic Wand

I see. According to Daisy Khan, the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque is fueled by hatred of Muslims. Don't think so. But since you are so wise, dear Daisy, let's assume that it is. With a wave of your wand, it's done...all people opposed to the building of the mosque near Ground Zero hate Muslims.

Hmm, nope. Still not feeling it. Not feeling the guilt with which you so cavalierly hoped to cow us. In fact, you've rather freed up my thoughts.

If we who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque do so because we hate Muslims, one could ask who has a better right to hate Muslims than the good people of America? After what Muslims did to our country on September 11, 2001, what could be a more normal reaction?

So let's recap. All people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque hate Muslims. This hatred would be a normal reaction to the murders of innocent Americans and others via terror attacks planned and perpetrated by Muslims on September 11, 2001. Ergo, said American people should be thrilled to have a mosque celebrating the religion of said Muslim terrorists built near Ground Zero. Got it.

Whew...that was close. I was laboring under the misapprehension that a mosque built so close to Ground Zero would be in very bad taste. Kind of like a serial killer who feels powerful because the bodies of his victims are buried close by. But it couldn't be anything like that, now could it? If it were, you and the other proponents of this mosque would be determined to have it built there and only there...oh, wait. You are.

So it's just plain old bigotry and Islamaphobia on our side, not cold calculation and stealth jihad on your side, right Ms Khan? Thanks for clearing that one up for me. And don't stop talking, Daisy...you're helping me understand more than you could possibly know.

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