Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm so tired of hearing pundits pontificate today...

...that "the system worked" regarding Casey Anthony case. So for whom did the system work? Tell me. Certainly not for little Caylee, or what's left of her after being dumped in a swamp swaddled in garbage bags. And not for the jury members who claim to have felt sick and tearful when finding for Lady Anthony. And definately not for the State of Florida which has been made to look ridiculous.

So just who did come out of this debacle feeling vindicated? A lying murderess and a group of sneaky slimy defense attorneys. Not good enough, pundit parade, not nearly good enough.

May our old buddy Karma use her long sharp teeth to exact and extract justice for the dead child. The rest of America, who can see that the system did not work, will be watching, and waiting for our celebratory glass of champagne. You can count on it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So according to a Drudge Report article...

...Casey Anthony is "set to make millions". Interviews, book and movie deals and the like. Well, she won't get a penny from me. And if others pay to hear her lie I'll know the world has truly gone mad. And lie she will. She has to...because if she tells the truth she loses her victim status, and all the world loves to shell out their hard-earned money to schmooze with the latest celebrity victim. Except for me, and maybe you. Keep your money. Buy your two year old daughter something with it in honor of another little two year old who lay decomposing while her mother partied and lied. Buy yourself something because you haven't neglected, or lied, or murdered. Give it to the damnable Democrats if you have to...just don't give it to Casey Anthony. Thank you for your consideration

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dear Caylee Anthony...

...I'm sorry, honey. Apparently your little life wasn't worth a hill of beans to your lovely mother or to that jury. I'm sure you'll be glad to know that your mom will be back out on the party circuit soon enough. Won't that be nice, Caylee? Caylee? Oh, that's're still dead.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Whiskey Wednesday draws near...

...and it will be dedicated both to the death of Bin Laden, and to the fact that my family members survived the tornado in Tuscaloosa. I have no idea how much I'll drink, and what I might say as I am also thinking about those people in Tuscaloosa who went to their safe places only to be found lifeless under the rubble later. Happy and sad all in one moment. How can I live this way? Why Whiskey Wednesday, of course.

My mother was a drinker, and she didn't wait until a designated day.  Every day was Wednesday for her. I hated her for it...but the more I look back, the more I wonder if she didn't just need what I need. A chance not to feel anything for just a few minutes.

I tried to concentrate on Usama Bin Laden's demise, but I couldn't. If that tornado had turned the other way, my daughter and grandsons, cowering in the hallway of their small brick house, would have been hurt, or worse. My brother's house was damaged, but passed over for the most part. I told them that I was totally exhausted from the concentration it took to push that storm away from them. It made them laugh. Hey, it's hard times down here. Just about anything might be funny at anytime. Or not.

Anyhoo, this blog feels more like a letter to my sister. Please indulge me until the shock of last Wednesday has passed.

Thank you.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Afternoon...

...I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve again today. A while back, when the race for Governor of California was heating up, I was disturbed to see Gloria Allred trot out a pathetic victim of gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman's cruelty. (It turns out Niki Diaz's story of victimization was the pathetic part, but I digress) I was worried about California and how it was the people of that state's last chance (with me anyway) to prove that they weren't dunces of the highest order. Those people out there failed me as surely as they failed themselves. Jerry Brown is now the Governor of The Gilded State.

Now here I am again, watching and hoping for signs of life from a state not my own...the state of Wisconsin. The election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court is tomorrow, Apr 5, and the unions and liberal Dems are running something called a Hideengrouper at the folks in Wisconsin. Apparently this Higginlooper was an intern or something to the Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, who decided that it would cool to have her best friend forever on the Supreme Court, too. They are hoping to plug the hole in the State Supreme Court with another liberal so the unions can have their way with the state.

So, please, people of The Cheese State. Please be sensible and see through what Judge Abrahamson and hopeful judge Haegendaez are trying to do to your state. Just Say No. We're watching you from all over the country. This would appear to be your last chance for self-determination.

If Hazeltoomer wins tomorrow, I myself will go on a bender unlike any known to mankind, symbolically burying Wisconsin with a stake of holly in its heart, When the fog clears, I'm going to contact and agitate and donate any money and any time I can find to any Tea Party candidate in any state who'll take them. It's my fevered method of Just Saying No.  Hey, my friends don't call me the Tasmanian Devil for nothing.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

After listening to the Nancy Skinner interview...

...on Megan Kelly's show on Fox News, I've decided that Wisconsin is a lost cause. If the union folk can threaten businesses with boycotts if they don't hang a sign of union support, and these same unions can still find a radio talk show host to defend them by by saying they are within their First Amendment rights, I give up.

People of Wisconsin, listen to me!!! Get out while you can. Let the union folk have it. You have no chance. If their collective First Amendment Right to make you hang a sign of union support trumps your First Amendment Right to NOT hang that sign in your own business, it's over for the average non-union citizen. You are second...dare I say it?...third class citizens in your own state. Time to migrate to somewhere...anywhere... that isn't owned by these utterly blind and completely selfish workers. Leave them all behind to piss and paint each other and everything else in sight.

So many other states in the US would be thrilled to have your businesses, and the jobs they provide. Catch the next plane, or bus, or get together and carpool out...but get out.

I've heard many comparisons in our country lately to Nazis and how they took power. Some of those comparisons were clumsy and far-fetched, but I can say that your situation with these unions and their so-called First Amendment Right to force you to put up their signs is the closest thing I've seen to Nazi regime tactics yet.

If you need a little inspirational music to start you on your way, click the link below, and then click the button that opens. The theme from Exodus (1960) has always been music that gets me on my feet. Forget the movie. Just let the music make you strong. it? Good. Now just do it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wisconsin and Me

I’m a little edgy after watching the police in Wisconsin supporting the protestors instead of the Governor. They wouldn't move the protestors out of the capitol building. They bullhorned and raised their fists in solidarity with the drum circle. (Can a "talking stick" be far behind? Although, that would be a blessing in disguise as only one of them could bellow at a time.) And how long did it take them to rescue the Republican legislator who was mobbed by the protestors?

I gotta tell you, folks, I’m no longer confident that if I need the police, they will show up. I don't sleep soundly in my bed anymore, sure in the knowledge that the police department is watching over my family. Do I still believe that old chestnut they hand around, that the members of the police department are there to Protect and Serve? Uh, Uh. Nope. Not anymore. Not after Wisconsin.

But it’s helped me come to an important decision. I'm going to arm myself, my family and my home. That’s right…guns. Big guns, small guns…whatever I can get my hands on. I don’t care if it is legal and I don’t care if it is right. In my mind, at this time, it is necessary.

I might even take to wandering neighborhoods, checking on the houses of family members and good friends. I could then invite some other disgruntled Americans who are watching this display of “solidarity and support” the police are displaying for the unions up there, to join me in my happy band of armed guardians.

Does that sound like vigilantism? You bet it does. If I don’t prepare to protect my family and myself, who will? The police department? I’m not willing to bet the lives of my children on the hope the police will come to my family’s aid…even if I need them when some of their “brothers and sisters” are protesting something. I don’t have that luxury anymore. Not after Wisconsin.

Being almost chronically honest and law-abiding (except for the random impure thought), I've had no need to distrust the police. If they arrested someone, or, God forbid, shot someone, I felt it was their job to know what was going on. I certainly didn't understand the situation they were in. I believed they must surely have a good reason to do what they did.

Now, I have to have doubts. If I read that a policeman shot a man coming out of, say, Walmart, I now wonder if maybe one of their "brothers and sisters" needed that guy out of the way. I hate these doubts. They make me feel unprotected and unsafe. I think that's what I resent the most...the newly narrowed eyes when I read those reports. I just don't know anymore.

I hear people talking about how important what is happening in Wisconsin is to the future of our country. I agree one hundred percent. It has certainly changed my future.

To the Wisconsin police: you are angering and frightening the American people. But as that seems to be okay with you, I can assure you it is also okay with me. I’ve turned the page on you and I know what to do. Thank you for a most valuable lesson.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I'm sorry.  I know February is Black History Month, but this year is different.  The racism you fought against in your lifetime has now become a running joke in this country.  I just read an article that told of MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell saying the following...

"The Republican party is saying that the president of the United States has bosses, that the union bosses this president around, the unions boss him around. Does that sound to you like they are consciously or subconsciously delivering the racist message that of course, of course a black man can't be the real boss."

     I didn't even blink an eye.  It just passed right over my balding head. The word "racism" has become nothing more than a potential nugget for laughs during the late night comedy shows.  (Except for Saturday Night Live, of course...they have left their comedy stylings in the wake of their consistent liberal love.)

     I'm sorry you had to die so young just to have these still alive dudes make a mockery of your life's work forty years later.  Nobody tried harder than you to fight against real racism.  You were the best.

     But we just can't do it anymore. When calling a brownie a brownie is racist, and discussing a black hole in space is racist, the word has lost all power and all meaning.

     The battle you won has been lost again when a charge of racism elicits only a roll of the eyes and an amused grin. I'm sorry you're dead, Dr. King, but I admit I'm glad you are not here to see this.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have only one thing to say about this civility thing...

Read the blog entry linked below.  It says it all.

When I get mad I sputter and shake and turn red.  Then, of course, I lunge at whoever is irritating me.  This is why I stay secluded here at Father Jack's Place.  I am not someone you want to make angry out on the street. I am best in battle, not the run-up to the battle.  Call me.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and retain for frequent re-reads.  We angry ones have to stick together.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Must Read Of The Day...

You have to read this.  It's a little long for the Twitter Generation, but well worth your time. It's rare that I find an article that I wish was from my own mind, but this is one.

I hope Mr. Solway is right.  I hope that someday we will all look back on these Obama years with a shake of the head and a barely concealed smile of contempt. That is something worth fighting for...