Thursday, March 25, 2010

So the liberals are worried about the violent backlash are they? What I'm worried about is their weak-kneed reaction to the anger from a disappointed American people. Does it make anyone else a little uneasy that these "frightened" lawmakers are the people who are supposed to keep us all safe from terrorists and other foul smelling citizens of the world?

And the hypocrisy...(insert George Takei "Oh, My!" here.) Mr. Stupak stated that his life was a living hell before he voted yes on the health care bill. Who made his life a living hell at that time? Do we have any telephone messages from that time for comparison purposes? I'd be willing to bet, just based on the hatred spewed from the left during the Bush years, that those messages were of a more vile nature than anything the MSM has publicized thus far coming from the conservative side. "A lot of people out here wish you ill"? Wow...what is this, Junior High?

Come on, you whimpering pantywaists, pull it together. You advertise yourselves as the brave representatives who chose to vote against your constituents' wishes...act like it. So your attempt to enslave the American populace under one-party rule hasn't gone down our gullet as quietly as you thought it would...explain it. You had the chance to stop Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi and the radical agenda they have in mind for our country but you didn' with it.
Yes, we're angry. So for once in your sorry over-paid, over-protected lives come out here and face the American people. Take your lumps. After all that we've given you, it's the very least you can do.

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