Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm so tired of hearing pundits pontificate today...

...that "the system worked" regarding Casey Anthony case. So for whom did the system work? Tell me. Certainly not for little Caylee, or what's left of her after being dumped in a swamp swaddled in garbage bags. And not for the jury members who claim to have felt sick and tearful when finding for Lady Anthony. And definately not for the State of Florida which has been made to look ridiculous.

So just who did come out of this debacle feeling vindicated? A lying murderess and a group of sneaky slimy defense attorneys. Not good enough, pundit parade, not nearly good enough.

May our old buddy Karma use her long sharp teeth to exact and extract justice for the dead child. The rest of America, who can see that the system did not work, will be watching, and waiting for our celebratory glass of champagne. You can count on it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So according to a Drudge Report article...

...Casey Anthony is "set to make millions". Interviews, book and movie deals and the like. Well, she won't get a penny from me. And if others pay to hear her lie I'll know the world has truly gone mad. And lie she will. She has to...because if she tells the truth she loses her victim status, and all the world loves to shell out their hard-earned money to schmooze with the latest celebrity victim. Except for me, and maybe you. Keep your money. Buy your two year old daughter something with it in honor of another little two year old who lay decomposing while her mother partied and lied. Buy yourself something because you haven't neglected, or lied, or murdered. Give it to the damnable Democrats if you have to...just don't give it to Casey Anthony. Thank you for your consideration

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dear Caylee Anthony...

...I'm sorry, honey. Apparently your little life wasn't worth a hill of beans to your lovely mother or to that jury. I'm sure you'll be glad to know that your mom will be back out on the party circuit soon enough. Won't that be nice, Caylee? Caylee? Oh, that's're still dead.