...I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve again today. A while back, when the race for Governor of California was heating up, I was disturbed to see Gloria Allred trot out a pathetic victim of gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman's cruelty. (It turns out Niki Diaz's story of victimization was the pathetic part, but I digress) I was worried about California and how it was the people of that state's last chance (with me anyway) to prove that they weren't dunces of the highest order. Those people out there failed me as surely as they failed themselves. Jerry Brown is now the Governor of The Gilded State.
Now here I am again, watching and hoping for signs of life from a state not my own...the state of Wisconsin. The election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court is tomorrow, Apr 5, and the unions and liberal Dems are running something called a Hideengrouper at the folks in Wisconsin. Apparently this Higginlooper was an intern or something to the Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, who decided that it would cool to have her best friend forever on the Supreme Court, too. They are hoping to plug the hole in the State Supreme Court with another liberal so the unions can have their way with the state.
So, please, people of The Cheese State. Please be sensible and see through what Judge Abrahamson and hopeful judge Haegendaez are trying to do to your state. Just Say No. We're watching you from all over the country. This would appear to be your last chance for self-determination.
If Hazeltoomer wins tomorrow, I myself will go on a bender unlike any known to mankind, symbolically burying Wisconsin with a stake of holly in its heart, When the fog clears, I'm going to contact and agitate and donate any money and any time I can find to any Tea Party candidate in any state who'll take them. It's my fevered method of Just Saying No. Hey, my friends don't call me the Tasmanian Devil for nothing.