Friday, June 18, 2010

Sir Elton John Is Quite A Man

Still tasting the foul flavor of elderly Beatle Paul McCartney's love speech to our Prez? See if this will help clean it out...
Elton John Rocks Israel After Other Artists Cancel
"John, who wore blue-tinted sunglasses, told the audience those cancellations ain't gonna stop me from playing here, baby."
It might seem like a small thing to perform a concert when that is what you do. But this one took courage. It was an act of courage in a world where all around you are politically correct zombies.
As an American, I'm searching in vain for one of our own "artists" who has the guts to do what you did today.
Thank you, Sir Elton John. You truly deserve that title.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Something to get those goosebumps going...

When the news and the senate become a load too heavy to carry this video helps a little...

America, we not only can do it, we must do it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday June 7, 2010 Update

Okay, New York, so you didn't come out by the millions on June 6th. But you came out by the thousands...I'll take it. You are officially back on my worry list.

And Pamela Geller is my new role model.

And Fox News is on my temporary hold list because of all people, I thought they would be interested in this protest...apparently not.

And Mayor Bloomberg has joined the "sissified appeasers" club (being a member of which is a felony in Alabama) along with our Prez Mr. Obama.
Sidenote to the Prez: Please, Mr Obama, we don't ask much. Just a little dignity from time to time would suffice. Swaying back and forth to Beatles music with a big 'ole donkey grin on your face just isn't cutting it. That was cool for only a short time in the 1960's. A very short time. And minus the big 'ole donkey grin.
"Meanwhile, down on the coast, there were no dazzled and dazzling Washington Post reporters recording the tears of the boat captain who, when asked about the future, replied, I don't know -- my life, my boat, it is all gone."
What a talent, to be able to write so well when one is so angry. So maybe Stuart Schwartz is my new role model.